The PC VI interacts with the FPGA VI in simulation mode to apply a test sequence as the FPGA VI input and monitor the resulting output sequence.
Use cases
Develop and debug an FPGA VI by applying test patterns to the FPGA inputs and observing the resulting FPGA outputs
Implement a testbench with the FPGA VI as the “device under test” and the PC VI emulates the external environment of the FPGA, acting as the test pattern generator and monitor
Apply a known sequence to the FPGA inputs and check whether the FPGA produces the correct output sequence
Interactively write and read FPGA I/O lines from the PC VI front panel
The “Desktop Execution” node (DEN) connects to any or all of the FPGA I/O nodes when the FPGA target is in simulation mode
All of the standard FPGA VI debugging techniques used to simulate an FPGA (execution highlighting, probes, and sampling probes) may be used on the FPGA VI block diagram while the PC VI executes
Keep in mind
Each time the DEN executes the FPGA system clock advances by a user-defined number of clock ticks (1 tick by default)
Conventional while-loop structures on the FPGA target require a minimum of three clock ticks per loop iteration
In contrast, single-cycle timed loops (SCTLs) execute within a single clock tick per iteration
The FPGA itself is inactive during simulation, i.e., the actual FPGA I/O pins do not change when operated by the DEN
LabVIEW block diagram elements
Locate these elements with "Quick Drop" (press Ctrl+Space and start typing the name); click on an icon to see more sample code that uses that element:
Example code
Connect your Academic RIO Device to your PC using USBLAN, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi. NOTE: Not all Academic RIO Devices have Ethernet and Wi-Fi connectivity options.
If using the NI myRIO 1950 or NI RIO Control Module start with the NI myRIO 1900 Archive.
Different IP address: Right-click on the "NI myRIO 1900" Device, choose "Properties", and then enter the new IP address
Different device:
Right-click on the top of the project hierarchy, select "New Targets and Devices", keep the "Existing target or device" option, and then find and select your particular device
Select all of the components under the "NI myRIO 1900" device: click the first one and then shift+click the last one
Drag the selected components to the new device
Right-click the "NI myRIO 1900" device and select "Remove from project"
Open the “FPGA Main” VI
Create sampling probes to display the FPGA inputs and outputs as waveforms; add the system clock waveform, too
Open and run the “PC Main” VI to apply a fixed test pattern to the FPGA input
Confirm that the two FPGA output lines toggle in response and that they transition on each rising edge of the system clock
Experiment: Convert the SCTL to a conventional while-loop; the while-loop iteration time is now longer than the PC VI oscillator and misses the transitions; configure the Desktop Execution Node in “PC Main” to increase the number of clock ticks per iteration to 2 and try again