Quickstart Guide
Introduction RIO Academic RIO Application examples Your first RT app Your first FPGA app
Basic procedures System admin File system I/O monitor System controller architecture Timed loops Inter-process communication RT/Host communication RT/FPGA communication FPGA personalities Interrupts Datalogger (file I/O)
Design flow Simulation Inter-process communication RT/host communication Derived clock domain IP blocks FPGA personality
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RIO Developer Essentials Guide for Academia
'Developer Essentials Guide' cover Jumpstart your Academic RIO Device embedded systems project with LabVIEW code examples, demos, video tutorials, and sample projects.

Quickstart Guide

Introduction to the NI RIO (Reconfigurable I/O) architecture and Academic RIO Device based on a real-time (RT) processor and FPGA.

NI LabVIEW RIO Architecture

NI LabVIEW RIO Architecture showing processor, FPGA, and I/O

1. Introduction and software setup

Cover artwork for the 'Developer Essentials Guide'
  • Resources available
  • Navigation tips
  • Intended audience
  • Learning objectives
  • Additional resources

2. RIO

Photograph of NI Compact RIO highlighting various features
  • Fast facts
  • RT (real-time) target
  • FPGA (field-programmable gate array) target
  • How does RIO LabVIEW programming compare to the desktop environment?
  • RIO embedded control and monitoring applications

3. Academic RIO Device

Photographs of NI myRIO-1900 (enclosed system), myRIO-1950 (single-board system), and NI ELVIS RIO Control Module
  • Fast facts
  • Platforms and features
  • Architecture
  • NI Academic RIO Device Toolkit and default FPGA personality

4. Browse application examples

Screenshot montage of various LabVIEW application VI front panels
  • Home security system with remote user interface
  • Real-time audio processor
  • Headless datalogger (file I/O)
  • Remote webcam photo logger
  • High-precision waveform measurement
  • Web services (calling and hosting)
  • Networking and IoT (TCP, UDP)

5. Make your first RT application

Screenshot of LabVIEW VI block diagram and front panels of 'RT Main' and 'PC Main'
  • Make a "hello, world!"-like application to experience the advantages of multiple linked VIs running simultaneously on the real-time (RT) target and desktop computer
  • "RT Main" VI -- runs as the RT target start-up VI, blinks the onboard LEDs, reads the onboard button, and communicates with an external desktop computer via network-published shared variables
  • "PC Main" VI -- runs on the desktop computer as a user-friendly human-machine interface (HMI) for remote command and control of "RT Main" through the network

6. Make your first FPGA application

Screenshot of LabVIEW VI block diagram and front panel of 'FPGA Main'
  • Make a "hello, world!"-like application to experience the advantages of multiple linked VIs running simultaneously on the FPGA target, real-time (RT) target, and desktop computer
  • "FPGA Main" VI -- blinks the onboard LEDs and reads the onboard pushbutton
  • "FPGA testbench" VI -- runs on the desktop computer for interactive development and debugging of "FPGA Main" in simulation mode prior to compiling to a bitstream file
  • "RT Main" VI -- runs as the RT target start-up VI; it runs "FPGA Main", interacts with its front-panel controls/indicators, and communicates with an external desktop computer via network-published shared variables
  • "PC Main" VI -- runs on the desktop computer as a user-friendly human-machine interface (HMI) for remote command and control of "FPGA Main" through the network