Headless datalogger and file I/O
RT code
RT/host inter-target communication
RT guide PC guide
RT networking: Get connected
RT guide
Connect to a home wireless router
RT procedure
Create an Internet-capable wired network with PC
RT procedure PC procedure
RT networking: IP addresses
RT guide PC guide
Show available IP addresses
RT code PC code
RT networking: email
RT guide
Send an email or text message
RT code
Send a file as an email attachment with high priority (remote webcam photo logger application)
RT code
Check Internet access (HTTP method)
RT code PC code
Check Internet access (TCP method)
RT code PC code
TCP/IP sender and receiver and "TCP ping" application
RT code PC code
TCP client-server
RT code PC code
UDP sender and receiver and "UDP ping" application
RT code PC code
UDP client-server
RT code PC code
RT networking: Web services
RT guide
Web services overview
RT guide
Call a Web service
RT code
Host a Web service
RT code